Monday, August 31, 2015

Yes, Even Shy Girls

:"Just so you know, I get touchy outside of work. I'm also a lot dirtier."

Household Beta fills up on weekends. We consider our personal relationships, both friends and family, the greatest source of our happiness. There's a lot of research that bears this out: unsurprisingly, social great apes do not prosper in anonymous cities and rigid work hierarchies.

Usually this puts me in touch with a lot of great people. This weekend I helped a Master Chef contesant move, along with an Architect Team Lead working on a major hospital project for a Western government. Then we all knocked back a few Coronas and made plans to tear up my carpet weekend, and possibly paint the nursery...assuming my Wife can pick a damn color.

Unfortunately, this also means I see a lot of dynamics for which my Civilized Mind cares little.

This weekend, I met up with Barbara. Barbara is a friend of Jenna's, if you remember Jenna, the plain jane girl that nexts every single guy in creation

I remembered Barbara quite clearly, having met her once before: Jenna invited her to a Meet-Up acting group. Quiet as a church mouse, and just as tiny, she didn't stand out at all, except that she was skinny and mildly attractive, which actually stands out a lot after 8 hours a day with obese office women.

Seeing her again brought a smile to my face: shy, geeky girls generally like me. I wasn't looking to pick her up, but Jenna and I wanted to dance, and it's better to spend time with someone who isn't a stuck up bitch.

Barabara told us her boyfriend could not come out. What a shame. But her friend from work, Daniel, was high-tailing out of a wedding to hang with us.

Leaving a wedding early? Pretty blaspehmous if you ask me. Bailing on the celebration of a holy sacrament reflects poorly on a man's character. But okay...

Dan arrived, and Barbara spent the next 3 hours flirting, grinding, and making out with Dan. I was flabber-gasted. Despite various warnings from the RedPill, seeing the conversion from Cute Mode to Slut Mode from a shy, barely speaking, church mouse girl right before my eyes left me speechless.

Oh, and I did mention I had a boyfriend?

The girls stayed the night at my house. When Barbara left, I commented on this to my Wife and to Jenna, and they both said the same thing:

"Well, she's like that with everyone."


Values dissonance?

Barbara explained before she left that she had this conversation with her boyfriend, saying that she had a lot of guy friends, and if he wanted to date her, well he just needed to be okay with her having guy friends.

Is this what cuck'd boyfriend had in mind?

"We're Just Friends"

I have little patience for "Squid Ink" in online conversations, nor am I particularly interested in hearing how hard dating is for young girls. We hear a lot about how most girls are looking for love and quite restricted, but stories like this can wallpaper the Sistine Chapel and still have enough left over to patch any holes in the Aquedects.

Other stories? My sister-in-law, Wendy, finally gave up on long-distance relationships, after running through 3 guys in a year. Instead, Wendy tried giving local dating a shot, by drunkenly making out with her co-worker, and then another guy from her law school, the same night.

If only she wasn't a born-again Christian who tried shaming my Wife and I for having premarital sex!

There's always Jenna herself, of course, a somewhat restricted girl who's had about 60 first dates and no second dates in the last year, who spent some of her college days streaking. She's a virgin, by the way.

I understand lapses in judgement and all, but I am not sympathetic. Guys have it about 1000x more difficult on the dating scene, with a lot less opportunity for these "lapses."

One of my favorite stories is my nerdy friend (a nerdy feminist friend, because, remember, most nerds are actually SJWs, not Red-Pill) who dated a religious Lutheran girl for well on two years, with, at most, 30 seconds of oral sex. They eventually broke up, after he became little more than a meal ticket. No, seriously, regularly she would call up, ask for Steak N Shake, they would pick up food, he would pay, and she would say "I have to go home and study."

A few months later, she met a guy at a wedding, they "hit it off," and she had a "lapse in judgement." Not having many friends, she panicked, and called her nerdy ex-boyfriend.

He promptly called me, alternating between psychopathic rage and near-suicidal depression. How could this "religious" girl pay so little attention to his sexual needs, want him so little, use him so badly, and then remind him of how utterly unwanted he was?

My nerdy friend later took a cross-country trip with another girl, one he used to have a crush on in high-school. They slept together a few times, but when they came back to New York City, she refused to see him any longer. It was over. Nerd Feminist Friend collapsed into total depression, lost his job, and moved back in with his parents.

Yes, Even The Shy Girls behave inappropriately, yes, even the shy girls treat us as disposable garbage, and yes, all men experience this.

This is gross, this is disgusting, this is insulting. It also is what it is, but if you want to "have a conversation," let's start with the actual fundamental issues about the normal guys losing ground, not how girls need to be able to call regret rape on every unsatisfying post-coital partner.

Friday, August 28, 2015

If Only, If Only...

Illinois audited our state return. What a hassle. I spent this week's spare hours filing a pair of amended IL-1040Xs for myself and my Wife, in order to spare ourselves a pointless $1600 expense. Saved money tastes delicious, but lost hours feel like setting my hair on fire.

Suffice to say, I'll not be using Turbo-Tax again. A relatively simple problem with residency was not flagged by their system. Not that I'd be using their system again anytime soon anyways: my Wife and I are now wage slaves, so our income taxes provide no real complications.

At least we've solved one potential crisis...but I've got some serious lawn-work to do. My immense laziness and Mother Nature conspired to create a lake of overgrown weeds along my driveway. This demands immediate remedy, so that's where I'll devote Saturday.

Unfortunately, my front lawn is more or less dead, too. Can't really claim I'm surprised: I never watered it, while I did give the backyard a healthy rain or two during the drier weeks this year. The backyard recovered, and the front lawn did not.

My plan is to use the lawn trimmings from some of the back yard for a makeshift fertilize out front, as soon as I get a healthy liquid coat on those disgusting brown stems. Again, another project for this weekend, and one demanding immediate attention.

Overall, though, I can't complain too much about the yardwork. My 20" Scotts Reel-Lawn Mower kept up with everything just fine. Given the....erm...small size of the lawn, I didn't even get a good workout most days. A few days gave me a good case of the Sweat-Me-Nots, but that's just July sun saying hello.

I'd definitely recommend the reel lawn-mower to other people. In fact, a good friend of mine is looking for a house too, and he's committed to either the Fiskars of the Scotts for his lawn. Rock on!

We're socking away a good $3,000 a month, too. We'll get that up in the coming months, as we look to really trim our household expenses. That's the thing, can't really concentrate on too many things at once or else your work suffers, so we haven't focused on killing our expenses. Given that we want children in the near future and want to really kill some outstanding debt, we want to make sure we have some positive cash flow coming in.

Exciting times to be alive!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Remodel Time

Here at Household Beta we've fully piled away our belongings. With the rash of summer birthdays coming to an end, Mrs. Beta settling into her new job, and Mr. Beta's accounting workload dropping a bit, we finally have the time to look into serious remodeling.

Disagreements routinely flare between us. Our styles clash more than we might like, particularly since both of us are sticklers for details, and my Wife prefers more "tradtional" arrangements to my preference for "quirky" designs.

We own a post-war split-level home, with the main living floor at ground level, as opposed to a split entrance. This gives us a nice separation between the living area and the main bedrooms, though our sub-basement lacks the rec room space preferable for a ranch.

We do like our main living floor, though. We have a beautiful picture window peering onto the street, and pretty big rooms. The rooms are lightly furnished right now and feel incredibly spacious, though incredibly boring with bare white walls, white carpet, and a maple cabinet kitchen and maple hardwood floors.

That'll be the feature. We won't have a television in the main living area, not until our kids get a little older. We're looking to install a gas fireplace, reface the kitchen cabinets with some white, and add some natural stone tones to the countertops and kitchen island.

Over the dining room table, we'll hang an iron trellis, with Italian lights hung in them.

In the living room area, a few small couches, bookshelves against the wall, and a small seating area by the picture window to serve as a reading space.

All througout, some extra plant life, and a brick feature wall for the living room to bring a little extra livelihood to our main living space.

Definitely excited for the coming months!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Night

"I really like when you pick me up and throw me into the bedroom. That really makes me happy."
-Mrs. ADBG.

Did anyone tell these guys?

Or these guys?

No one cares about the normal guy.

Except maybe Roosh. Vox nails the crux of the saga:

Heroes are seldom the fine upstanding well-respected individuals we wish them to be. Such people are usually too concerned with going along with the crowd and winning the good opinion of the world to speak the truth when the truth is despised. But when a man speaks the truth despite being condemned for it, he is more truly walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ than many a decent, church-going Christian man.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Are Nerdy guys all Red Pill?

People criticize the Manosphere for "sperginess" quite a lot. I don't blame our critics for attacking us there: they probe our defenses routinely for even the slightest of weaknesses, rightfully fearing any sort of roll-back of their victories. A lot of Red Pill men do lack advanced social skills, particularly with women.

The Red Pill, after all, selects for men with women problems, which contains a disproportionate number of men with social skill deficits. At least, in this age. In a prior age, when women relied more on men for social and economic support, a social skills deficit would not prevent men from marrying. In an era where bars and online interactions increasingly dominate the mating market, yes, more men will suffer.

But, does the Red Pill monopolize "spergy" guys?


David Futerelle from "We Hunted the Mammoth" ? Part of his sheer disdain for the Red Pill crowd probably reflects a "There but for the Grace of God" attitude. The dude screams "neckbeard."

How about econ bloggers Paul Krugman and Tyler Cowen? Again, spergy guys. Not Red Pill. Tyler once called Roissy's former blog the most evil blog in the universe. Beating out Stormfront!

How about those Spergy guys in Silicon Valley? You know, the Brogrammers, who run the last vestige of patriarchy? These guys trend WAY socially liberal, enough that they ran Brendan Eich out of time for supporting the majority-held position of not letting gays get married. 

Most Spergy men-folk have little knowledge of the Manosphere and those that do, do not tend to ally themselves with the Neomasculine philosophy.

Let's consider the men in my real life. Since I grew up an INTJ, and my wife majored in Math, I know a lottttt of other spergy guys.

My brother-in-law, still in high school, is a raging feminist. He tests INTJ and spends most of his time reading manga, playing video games, studying math, and....reading...We Hunted the Mammoth. Hey, whatever floats his boat.

My best friend from high school? He cried when someone suggested he smoke marijuana. He studies cryptography for fun. He quit math team because it took too much time away from Debate team. No, really. His political beliefs are hardcore Democrat and hardcore feminist (including unlimited maternity leave and political quotas for women). He also does not like the "r-word."

My wife's college friend spent a half hour describing why he tries not to use the word "dude" because it's very disrespectful to women. And how great it is to have Yes Means Yes on college campuses finally.

Most of these guys not only do not buy into the Red Pill, they are aware of "Gender Issues" and decisively repudiate the neo-masculine perspective. If you want to find where all the "spergs" line up, look no further than the Yes Means Yes socially progressive hell in California. The NeoMasculine movement fields almost no spergs in comparison.

Does that mean Neo-Masculinity is wrong? Hell, even the nerds hate it! It MUST be wrong!


The three men above, combined, have walked this Earth for over 60 years. Between them, they have not a single relationship. Women don't hate these guys, but they sure hate the idea of sleeping with them, dating them, or loving them. Feminist credentials be damned!

These guys are great guys. They are logically consistent, to the extreme, and quite ideologically pure. Society told them micro-aggresions lurk everywhere, that women must fear continual aggression, that we must create a more just society. These guys, being logical thinkers, and motivated by a strong sense of justice, have taken this a far more extreme level than the average feminist, and turned themselves into strong progressives.

That's the thing about the INTJs. We commit fully to our ideas. We descend into the dark Memeplex and test out our beliefs. If we don't have the right priors, we buy into incredible nonsense. But damn will we believe it, mind, body, and soul.

These guys were lied to, and beyond redemption, not except in the Vietnam "we burned the hamlet to save it" sense. Crippled by the false perverted truth of a corrupted "Feminine," these guys stumble through life, mostly alone, always in danger of failed relationship and distant from real intimacy.

Is the Red Pill "spergy"? Nope, don't buy it. The majority of spergy guys are like the majority of other people: they buy into what society tells them. And they believe it more strongly, rationalize it more perfectly, and love it more deeply. So, like the majority of guys, they love the Feminine Imperative.

Do the women love them back?

No. That's why women call Red Pillers "spergy." Women respect these nerdy feminist warriors less than they respect their cats.

No Fanfare for them