No posts recently. But should I have expected? Pushing my Scott-brand reel mower in eighty degree heat takes a lot out of me. I set the bottom for a 2 inch cut, a little ambitious given my 7 inch grass. The first row felt fine, but by row three, sweat stings my eyes. Through my fogging glasses, I can see, maybe 5/6 of my lawn still to go.
My new neighbor looked over at me, said hello, and left. Kids in the backseat. Probably had some sort of school event to go to. I wonder what he's going to do when summer vacation starts.
I'm a stubborn bastard. When I told Mother Dearest I bought one of those old-fashioned, people-powered mowers, she shot me disgust in a single twist of her lip.
"Why would you go and buy something like that?"
Because I wanted to. Now I am committed to it. So I shove my shoulder into that foam-cushioned handle and jam the rotor teeth right into that disgusting forest. Every damn inch forward is a damn vindication.
Half an hour later, done! And not too shabby, either. A mostly even, 2.5 inch on a 45 foot by 130 foot lot.
I come in the door, and curse. My AC doesn't work. Not enough airflow through the vents. I've tested the system, it can cycle, but the thermostat budges a degree at most. Possibly needs a recharge, too.
But I don't have time for that, because I am slapping some extra shelving in the kitchen. I take some Molly bolts, sink them right into the drywall, and, BAM, three cabinets worth of space finds a new home on the wall.
Basically, life's busy.
A few hours, I fall into bed, warmer than I'd like, and body dead enough to fool a mortician.
But why lie about my life?
I am loving my quaint little suburb. Right after close, my Wife and I drove to the house, to officially...er...."break it in." Still fumbling with the keys, an 80-something year old man called out and introduced himself. He had lived next door since the 1950s, saw the neighborhood spring to life around him, and planted trees now forty-five feet tall.
The day we moved in, one of our neighbors walked straight across three open yards to meet my Wife and my family. The next day, we sat down to picnic with our neighbors. They have three daughters, ranging from a year to middle school aged. They invited us to watch a Blackhawks game with them the next night, and gave us some gas for our lawn mower and weed wacker.
Note: The first cut of the season was with Father's self-propelled mower. The grass was about fourteen inches tall by the time we found our footing. A little tough for a reel mower....
Apparently our neighbors across the street are planning a block party, probably in the next month or so. There's a second block party down the street. We walked to Mass on Sunday, only 4 doors down. On Thursday, my Wife, Jenna, and I all took a jog downtown, only a mile across quiet residential streets.
You know how they say "It gets better"? Yep. Sometimes it's true. I can remember some truly dark days when even my so-called friends looked upon me like a rabid dog, when I spent 2 years unemployed, when the only thing ballooing faster than my waist-line were the suicidal thoughts in my head.
Alllllll lonnnnggggggg gone.
Sometimes I like to think how my current co-workers see me. I strolled into this office a tad over 200 pounds, wearing tatty shoes, single, smelling, not funny. I'm a married guy now, I'm a tad over 180 but pack a lot more muscle, and keep my clothes sleek, neat, ironed, and color-matched.
Yeah, a little bit, I suppose. My mind handles stress better these days. I am less likely to become enraged at traffic. I am more open-minded and willing to listen: nothing beats bloody humility in your mind like trying to hang shelves and barely knowing what a stud is.
But more than that, what helped me out is a little something called the Red Pill. What really killed me in my high school, college, post-college years was what might be called a basic lack of social skills, especially those involving the opposite sex.
You can't have a life without friends, or lovers. You just can't. What are you going to spend your time doing? Staring at a wall? It's one thing to pull a Thoreau and bury yourself in a cabin surrounded by woods when you have a life to return to. It's another when you resign yourself to total hermit-dom.
Red Pill pulled back the veil for me. The Red Pill speakers pulled back the curtain of noxious lies and exposed an unvarnished instinctual factory called the female mind. At first, the truth kicked me in the gut, but once I took the lessons, and applied them to my life, I saw that life could improve. I was not relegated to failure status. I could take control of my life, react to people on the level they communicated, and make things better.
Where I am today, cannot have been achieved without the knowledge of Red Pill thinkers. Roissy, Roosh, Rollo, Vox, Dalrock, etc....they've all delivered unto a society a functioning man behind a white picket fence, wearing a suit and prepared to face the world, on his own terms.
Note that the guys didn't tell me "you need to have a Wife, you need to have two kids, you need to buy a house." That's not what the Red Pill means. In fact, a lot of Red Pillers will tell you "don't get a wife, don't have kids, don't buy a house."
Basically, the exact opposite of what I actually....you know...did.
Is there a contradiction here? If I am such an adherent to Red Pill ideology, then how can I have a wife? Do I secretly hate her? I must abuse her, right? I can't REALLY want kids....if I want a house, it must be because I capitulated to my Wife, meaning I am a weak man, despite all my pretenses of Alpha-dom!
Here's the thing: There's no Red Pill ideology. Red Pill doesn't have a belief system. There's a set of axioms the Red Pills consider true, but that's different from Belief with a capital B. Belief with a capital B drives you to do something with your life, to believe that God has a plan, that America is the greatest country in the world, that Google should do no evil.
Red Pill doesn't have that, any more than Math does.
Ideology is separate from the Red Pill. You can definitely use Red Pill ideas to build an ideology, but Red Pill can lead to many different beliefs, in the end. That's where there is always such a huge divide between MGTOW, PUA, MRA, So-Cons, etc. A lot of guys have different ideas about how to change the world, and how to live their lives.
That's why I can buy a house and have a wife and other guys might just live out the back of a cab and bang strippers the rest of their lives, and all of us can be Red Pill together.
I DO have beliefs, that are Separate from the Red Pill, and different from what a lot of Red Pillers believe. I think fiat money and fractional reserve banking are great things. I think it's okay to have Medicare and Medicaid. I think Climate Change is real and caused by humans. I think....
Okay, let's spin away from the random political thoughts.
I like my neighborhood. I think it's something to strive towards and something that can be preserved and the cultural rot we've experienced can be rolled back. I believe my chosen life, of home ownership, marriage, and children, contributes positively to society, in a way that the Mystery Method lifestyle doesn't, and I believe it's a good deal for men if we can teach them to make it work.
Not all of this stuff has voice in the Red Pill sphere, in fact of lot would be met with absolute disgust, but that's ideology, and that's what I believe in.
That doesn't make me less Red Pill.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Friday, May 8, 2015
No, I don't want to hear about your Day
7:15. If anything, I'm late, and I've already skipped breakfast. Normally my start time is 7:30, but I left at 2 PM Wednesday, and have 2 hours to make up.
So I'm juggling a thermos full of coffee, an external battery charger, a pre-packed lunch, and GOK what else. Ever have a couple cups of coffee with no food? Your stomach howls, the agony hurts so bad. I feel like I might puke, I feel like I might die, I feel like my skin burns so bad I might as well be next to an open furnace.
And right when I come in, my boss calls me.
Great. Just what I need.
"ADBG, we're moving you up a band."
A promotion? Sweet! I'm not getting any extra work, I'm getting a pay increase and a bonus!
I have not told my family about this promotion. I also told my Wife once, off-hand, when the day drew to a close, dinner graced our table, and I remembered "Oh, this happened today."
On the other hand, I shared this picture with every one of my close friends:
This is funny! Because it's true! Because 4Chan! And Jezebel! And Cat Pictures!
I found this f'in hilarious. It's something I hadn't seen before (unlike all that 'May the Fourth' garbage), it's a funny connection that's also true, it's basically Jerry Seinfeld stand-up.
Unpacking the ideas behind the picture leads to interesting questions, too. No big spoilers here, but Ultron doesn't want to kill humanity just to kill humanity. Rather, it's his answer to "humanity's next step," in a twisted fashion with no respect to survival of individual humans.
They don't explain this well in the movie. Maybe I can do another piece on this sometime later.
Regardless, killing billions of humans to advance the human race is not at all uncommon in Science Fiction. Ever seen Star Trek? Widely regarded as one of the most idealistic portrayals of future humanity, with an advanced society that has eliminated poverty, impotence, and unattractiveness, Star Trek's backstory begins with WWIII wiping out most of humanity.
As if that wasn't enough, the Eugenics War starts soon after, killing hundreds of millions more humans. That's the conflict that spawns Khan.
Wiping out humanity and doing away with the old power structures proves necessary to building a new, just, stable foundation.
That idea holds interest well beyond fiction. Ever hear "The Tree of Liberty is watered the blood of tyrants and martyrs"? Same concept. Revolutions burn down old power structures, like a fall brush-fire clearing out a dead forest. The reward? A healthy forest springs from the ashes, like the United States coalescing from the power vacuum after the collapse of British rule.
Trust me, plenty of development experts think there's something to this idea.
So, the next time you watch Age of Ultron, keep that thought in the back of your mind. Ultron is a slightly pathological Thomas Jefferson, not an ax-crazy Joker.
What was I talking about?
Oh, right. I got promoted. Yeah, I don't really care about that. That's why I still haven't told my parents, that's why I haven't posted it to Facebook, that's why I only mentioned it off-hand to my Wife, that's why I only mention it here to prove a point, which is that I don't give a damn about the promotion.
Well, not enough to share this news with people. It's definitely relevant to me. I want more money and I want more respect. But with people, I want to talk about other things.
Contrast that with my mother-in-law. She sends a weekly email to all her kids about the happenings at her household. Not sure why she felt a need to create a newsletter for her family, but whatever. Her last Newsletter detailed how my Father-In-Law finally found a job, and, to celebrate, they had a really big steak dinner!
I can already feel my eyes glaze over...I just really don't give a damn.
Most people like my Mother-In-Law better than my Father-In-Law. My MIL engages people in a way I rarely see. She steps close to you, she laughs at all your jokes, she responds to what you actually say and asks questions, she makes you feel good about yourself, and she always lets you finish your sentences. She looks you in the eye.
Dammit, you cannot imagine how rare that trait has become. Most times, meeting a new person, I see their eyes darting around, and their hands reaching for their pockets, as if they can read their smart phone just by touching it.
My MIL has none of that.
But, on the other hand, everything she finds interesting is so goddam boring. My FIL likes the Avengers and implements ERP software at major companies all around the world. I like talking to him a lot more whenever I visit. He's one of the few non-stop "I love talking about my job" guys that does not make me want to jump off a bridge.
He's not a hit at parties, though. He sits on the couch and stares at the television, counting the hours before he can go home.
Daily married life has been a struggle at times, mostly because my Wife takes after my Mother-In-Law. She comes home, and she loves to talk about her day.
Let me tell you what Cindy said!
Look at this email Victor sent me!
I went for a walk this morning!
We had pizza for lunch!
After maybe five minutes of this mundane nonsense, my brain falls into a smile-and-nod routine. Suppressing a vast ocean of anger, fueled by resentment and annoyance, becomes my heart's one true content.
My Wife cut down on the daily small talk significantly over the years. I remember our first Valentine's Day, which featured a 45-minute recital of an entire week's worth of grievances, salads, work-out struggles, and all other mind-polluting minutiae. Now she holds herself to a few minutes of daily run-down, and usually only after a healthy, passionate, greet me at the door, "I missed you all day" kiss.
Sometimes, she tries to be more "interesting," as she puts it. She knows I like ideas more than mundane daily life, so she tries to talk about movies and music. This normally always backfires. She's at a training wheels phase, I'm doing Iron-Man triatholons. I have to pump my mental brakes whenever I talk to her about "ideas," which feels like repressing your true feelings. For an intellectual, holding back your ideas is like a romantic refusing to say "I love you." Really at odds with our personality.
Over the past year, my Wife and I have reduced the number of fights (all started by me, to be honest), but this has been a pretty epic internal struggle.
Some might take this post as self-congralutary. All 'round the internet, you can find tales of intellectual heavy-weights lording their high IQ and higher intellectual curiosities over meeker, more mundane minds.
"Oh, silly, stupid women! Oh what a saint I am, to tolerate my boring wife!"
That emotion? I grok that. The feeling of superiority tempts all. Rarely a day goes by when I see an error of another, smirk to myself, and know that foolishness can never befall me. If only more people were like me, the mind whispers, the world would spin right.
Oh, trust me, I get the feeling.
But that's not the emotion driving this post.
I'm frustrated.
My Wife comes home and wants to share her day with me, because that's she makes connections, and that's how she shares love. But that doesn't work for me. These stories, she broadcasts them like an encrypted WPA Wi-Fi, but the server clicking in the back of my brain just reads all the data packets as garbage and never lets them past Port 1.
That's not communication, that's not affection, and buffering my Wife's thoughts out of existence strikes me as inhumane.
So, today, I don't write this post as the petulant INTJ snubbing a superficial world, nor a distant other-worldly Carraway observing a lack of any real insight in a world of glitz and glamor, but as the suffering soul of a person concerned with one single person, may the rest of the Good Earth be damned.
Since we're going off Meyers-Brigg here (and yes, I know the criticisms), let's see what might cause this little disconnect:
Why is that?
Because, recently, everything in my life has changed. Over the last year, the world pulls me into a deeper gravity well, beyond the American Event Horizon and into a world where obesity claims 1/3 of the population, television fills nearly every waking hour, and talk revolves around what a woman's coffee flavor says about her personality. This festering black hole grabs onto everyone and sucks all passion, life, and love to contionously fuel an unknown deity, looming larger every day. Digital Corporate Cthulu awaits anyone who is sucked into this nightmare.
I don't want to become part of this Fallen horde.
This really scares the hell out of me. I don't mind corporate life too much, I don't mind the Beta life too much, but I instinctively fight like hell against DCC. Every drop of anger my body musters feels like another dollop of essential rocket fuel that might push me out of his orbit and back into the vast, endlessly unexplored frontier waiting for me.
That's Introverted Feeling. A developed Introverted Feeling stands against currents like an impenetrable rock forged in the deepest fires of hell.
Moving forward, it's not really enough to expect my Wife to endure the full fury of this emotional rocket. Rather, it's necessary for me to find my own interests, my own outlets, and create a life I imagine worth living. Otherwise, Introverted Feeling will continue to burn every last bit of energy it can, until my Wife and my marriage become nothing more than scorched husks, and poor ADBG finds his soul obliterated and serving some invisible ethereal neo-Satan.
7:15. If anything, I'm late, and I've already skipped breakfast. Normally my start time is 7:30, but I left at 2 PM Wednesday, and have 2 hours to make up.
So I'm juggling a thermos full of coffee, an external battery charger, a pre-packed lunch, and GOK what else. Ever have a couple cups of coffee with no food? Your stomach howls, the agony hurts so bad. I feel like I might puke, I feel like I might die, I feel like my skin burns so bad I might as well be next to an open furnace.
And right when I come in, my boss calls me.
Great. Just what I need.
"ADBG, we're moving you up a band."
A promotion? Sweet! I'm not getting any extra work, I'm getting a pay increase and a bonus!
I have not told my family about this promotion. I also told my Wife once, off-hand, when the day drew to a close, dinner graced our table, and I remembered "Oh, this happened today."
On the other hand, I shared this picture with every one of my close friends:
This is funny! Because it's true! Because 4Chan! And Jezebel! And Cat Pictures!
I found this f'in hilarious. It's something I hadn't seen before (unlike all that 'May the Fourth' garbage), it's a funny connection that's also true, it's basically Jerry Seinfeld stand-up.
Unpacking the ideas behind the picture leads to interesting questions, too. No big spoilers here, but Ultron doesn't want to kill humanity just to kill humanity. Rather, it's his answer to "humanity's next step," in a twisted fashion with no respect to survival of individual humans.
They don't explain this well in the movie. Maybe I can do another piece on this sometime later.
Regardless, killing billions of humans to advance the human race is not at all uncommon in Science Fiction. Ever seen Star Trek? Widely regarded as one of the most idealistic portrayals of future humanity, with an advanced society that has eliminated poverty, impotence, and unattractiveness, Star Trek's backstory begins with WWIII wiping out most of humanity.
As if that wasn't enough, the Eugenics War starts soon after, killing hundreds of millions more humans. That's the conflict that spawns Khan.
Wiping out humanity and doing away with the old power structures proves necessary to building a new, just, stable foundation.
That idea holds interest well beyond fiction. Ever hear "The Tree of Liberty is watered the blood of tyrants and martyrs"? Same concept. Revolutions burn down old power structures, like a fall brush-fire clearing out a dead forest. The reward? A healthy forest springs from the ashes, like the United States coalescing from the power vacuum after the collapse of British rule.
Trust me, plenty of development experts think there's something to this idea.
So, the next time you watch Age of Ultron, keep that thought in the back of your mind. Ultron is a slightly pathological Thomas Jefferson, not an ax-crazy Joker.
What was I talking about?
Oh, right. I got promoted. Yeah, I don't really care about that. That's why I still haven't told my parents, that's why I haven't posted it to Facebook, that's why I only mentioned it off-hand to my Wife, that's why I only mention it here to prove a point, which is that I don't give a damn about the promotion.
Well, not enough to share this news with people. It's definitely relevant to me. I want more money and I want more respect. But with people, I want to talk about other things.
Contrast that with my mother-in-law. She sends a weekly email to all her kids about the happenings at her household. Not sure why she felt a need to create a newsletter for her family, but whatever. Her last Newsletter detailed how my Father-In-Law finally found a job, and, to celebrate, they had a really big steak dinner!
I can already feel my eyes glaze over...I just really don't give a damn.
Most people like my Mother-In-Law better than my Father-In-Law. My MIL engages people in a way I rarely see. She steps close to you, she laughs at all your jokes, she responds to what you actually say and asks questions, she makes you feel good about yourself, and she always lets you finish your sentences. She looks you in the eye.
Dammit, you cannot imagine how rare that trait has become. Most times, meeting a new person, I see their eyes darting around, and their hands reaching for their pockets, as if they can read their smart phone just by touching it.
My MIL has none of that.
But, on the other hand, everything she finds interesting is so goddam boring. My FIL likes the Avengers and implements ERP software at major companies all around the world. I like talking to him a lot more whenever I visit. He's one of the few non-stop "I love talking about my job" guys that does not make me want to jump off a bridge.
He's not a hit at parties, though. He sits on the couch and stares at the television, counting the hours before he can go home.
Daily married life has been a struggle at times, mostly because my Wife takes after my Mother-In-Law. She comes home, and she loves to talk about her day.
Let me tell you what Cindy said!
Look at this email Victor sent me!
I went for a walk this morning!
We had pizza for lunch!
After maybe five minutes of this mundane nonsense, my brain falls into a smile-and-nod routine. Suppressing a vast ocean of anger, fueled by resentment and annoyance, becomes my heart's one true content.
My Wife cut down on the daily small talk significantly over the years. I remember our first Valentine's Day, which featured a 45-minute recital of an entire week's worth of grievances, salads, work-out struggles, and all other mind-polluting minutiae. Now she holds herself to a few minutes of daily run-down, and usually only after a healthy, passionate, greet me at the door, "I missed you all day" kiss.
Sometimes, she tries to be more "interesting," as she puts it. She knows I like ideas more than mundane daily life, so she tries to talk about movies and music. This normally always backfires. She's at a training wheels phase, I'm doing Iron-Man triatholons. I have to pump my mental brakes whenever I talk to her about "ideas," which feels like repressing your true feelings. For an intellectual, holding back your ideas is like a romantic refusing to say "I love you." Really at odds with our personality.
Over the past year, my Wife and I have reduced the number of fights (all started by me, to be honest), but this has been a pretty epic internal struggle.
Some might take this post as self-congralutary. All 'round the internet, you can find tales of intellectual heavy-weights lording their high IQ and higher intellectual curiosities over meeker, more mundane minds.
"Oh, silly, stupid women! Oh what a saint I am, to tolerate my boring wife!"
That emotion? I grok that. The feeling of superiority tempts all. Rarely a day goes by when I see an error of another, smirk to myself, and know that foolishness can never befall me. If only more people were like me, the mind whispers, the world would spin right.
Oh, trust me, I get the feeling.
But that's not the emotion driving this post.
I'm frustrated.
My Wife comes home and wants to share her day with me, because that's she makes connections, and that's how she shares love. But that doesn't work for me. These stories, she broadcasts them like an encrypted WPA Wi-Fi, but the server clicking in the back of my brain just reads all the data packets as garbage and never lets them past Port 1.
That's not communication, that's not affection, and buffering my Wife's thoughts out of existence strikes me as inhumane.
So, today, I don't write this post as the petulant INTJ snubbing a superficial world, nor a distant other-worldly Carraway observing a lack of any real insight in a world of glitz and glamor, but as the suffering soul of a person concerned with one single person, may the rest of the Good Earth be damned.
Since we're going off Meyers-Brigg here (and yes, I know the criticisms), let's see what might cause this little disconnect:
People with Introverted Feeling tend to be on a quest to figure out who they are and what they want out of life. Ideally, they would like everything they do to be in congruence with their personal believes. They want to live a life as true to themselves as possible.You'll notice that I didn't start with the Introverted Intuition or Extroverted Thinking part. True, these tend to set young, intellectual boys apart from their female peers, but we're talking about an established relationship over the course of several years. These....erm...mundane conversations never used to bother me quite as much as they do now.
The Fi user also wants to impact the world around them. They have a desire to express themselves and make an impact.
Introverted Feeling is constantly taking in the world around them. They filter it out through a lens of “good/bad” or “this is me/this isn’t me.” An introverted feeler is very self aware of who they are and their place in the world.
Why is that?
Because, recently, everything in my life has changed. Over the last year, the world pulls me into a deeper gravity well, beyond the American Event Horizon and into a world where obesity claims 1/3 of the population, television fills nearly every waking hour, and talk revolves around what a woman's coffee flavor says about her personality. This festering black hole grabs onto everyone and sucks all passion, life, and love to contionously fuel an unknown deity, looming larger every day. Digital Corporate Cthulu awaits anyone who is sucked into this nightmare.
I don't want to become part of this Fallen horde.
This really scares the hell out of me. I don't mind corporate life too much, I don't mind the Beta life too much, but I instinctively fight like hell against DCC. Every drop of anger my body musters feels like another dollop of essential rocket fuel that might push me out of his orbit and back into the vast, endlessly unexplored frontier waiting for me.
That's Introverted Feeling. A developed Introverted Feeling stands against currents like an impenetrable rock forged in the deepest fires of hell.
Moving forward, it's not really enough to expect my Wife to endure the full fury of this emotional rocket. Rather, it's necessary for me to find my own interests, my own outlets, and create a life I imagine worth living. Otherwise, Introverted Feeling will continue to burn every last bit of energy it can, until my Wife and my marriage become nothing more than scorched husks, and poor ADBG finds his soul obliterated and serving some invisible ethereal neo-Satan.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Things for my Wife, Family, and Coworkers to Remember
Random accumulation of INTJ facts around the internet:
- They will gladly argue a point they don't actually support, just for the sake of argument or to probe things. This bears repeating: an INTJ can easily and persuasively assume a point of view which is wholly contrary to his actual conviction. If in doubt, ask.
- Remember that INTJs believe in workable solutions. They are open-minded to all and every possibility, but they will quickly discard any concept they deem unfeasible (including their own).
- Do not expect INTJs to care very much about how you view them. They already know that many people see them as arrogant bastards with a weird sense of humour and they long since got used to it.
- Stick to a statement after being proven wrong by facts or reasoning and an INTJ will treat you as an irrational idiot and everything you say as probable nonsense.
- Don't expect an INTJ to respect anything you (or some other authorities) say just because you (or some other authorities) say it. INTJs bow to one authority only: rationality.
- Ideas are of prime importance to INTJs, and disregarding or not listening to our ideas is the highest form of insult. Although INTJs do not hold grudges, neither do we go out of our way to associate with people who don’t give serious consideration to our ideas
- Q: My INTJ isn’t sensitive to my feelings. Should I take offense? A: We aren’t even sensitive to our own feelings. Why should we be expected to be sensitive to yours? We won’t even try to fake it. Insincerity is a pet peeve of ours, and anyway, it would ruin our reputation if we ever showed emotion.
- We hate small talk, gossip, and relationship/people talk. Really anything mundane is beneath us.
- (We hate) People who talk incessantly. We will just engage our “nod and smile” autopilot and mentally go somewhere else.
- (We hate) People interfering with our alone time.
- (We hate) Salespeople. INTJs are immune to emotional manipulation and have zero tolerance for lines of bullshit.
Spin, Spin, Spin
Not sure if you've seen Age of Ultron yet. If not, no worries, this post contains no spoilers.
I want to say, though, that the critics nailed this movie: while entertaining, Age of Ultron breaks no new ground, carries on too many plot-lines, and forces some pointless characterization on certain actors.
Does this mean I hated the movie?
I LOVED it! There are few movies out there showcasing a wide range of super-heroes taking on villainous horrors. I even said "while entertaining" in my first post. Did you catch that?
F'in hell?
Unrelated, my friend (henceforth "the Architect") has been dating a new girl. His sister, best friends with my Wife, pressed me for details. I don't know a damn thing about her.
His sister said, "All I know is that she likes bland food. Who says that? Who says 'I like bland food'?"
The Architect and I watched the new Avengers flick together. So, I asked him about that.
"Nope," Architect says, "she never said that."
The Architect likes to cook, a lot like me. For the first date, he invited the new girl to his condo, and prepared some slightly spicy tacos. She forced the food down her throat, but then told him she has quite picky tastes, but "as long as it's beige," she'll eat it.
So, she'll eat macaroni and cheese. Or spaghetti and meatballs. So, nothing out of the ordinary. Didn't Olive Garden build an entire damn franchise on inoffensive food that neither offends nor excites anyone?
Spin, spin, spin!
That's what I told my Wife this weekend. This all comes across as spin. I like exactness of language. I do not like impercise language because it leads to incorrect conclusions, like "ADBG doesn't like Avengers," or "the Architect's new girlfriend only likes bland food."
I don't like dealing with Spinners because, to get at the REAL information, I have to stop their rotating ball of truthiness and align their words with True North. Trying to ask these people for advice is like playing a child's game of telephone.
This irritates the crap out of me. Could you imagine talking to your doctor, and your doctor saying "There's nothing wrong with you," when what he really means is "you won't die today, but if you don't get to the hospital in the next 2 days your heart will explode you."
What I meant is that there's nothing immediately wrong with you....right now! By the way, I love you, but I'm not IN love with you. Does that make sense?
Certain men, like those on the Manosphere, eat a lot of flack for reading things literally. As in, assuming A is A. Most women enjoy wordplay, NOT saying exactly what they mean, and "beating around the bush."
We're expected to adjust. Because we're Men. Duh. Men HAVE to adjust to women all the time, don't you get that by now?!
Honestly, on an individual level, I don't care enough to raise a social stink about it. The personal is NOT the political. I certainly feel like this Rule Of INTJ applies here:
A larger problem emerges when society collectively offers advice to people based on heavy Spin.
"Ashley only likes bland food," says Cindy, Ashley's best friend.
Two years:
"Why did you never make me lobster," Ashley screams. She hurls a plate at you, the wind whisks by your head and the fine china shatters into a million pieces. "I love lobster!"
You go back to Cindy.
"I have 17 stitches because you told me she only likes bland food."
"Well, that, AND lobster."
"Ashley likes guys who feel real natural," Cindy says.
You go up, throw down your Magic: The Gathering cards.
Ashley throws a drink in your face.
Cindy laughs.
"Girls don't like card games! You're such a dork!"
This sucks for guys. Imagine the following scenario:
When society speaks at large, they often speak with a LOT of context behind their words, stuff that they just understand naturally. Young guys, particularly those without a lot of social experience, apply "advice" from the Spinners without knowing this context, like poor INTJ above.
Chaos ensues.
Spinners are dangerous folk.
I want to say, though, that the critics nailed this movie: while entertaining, Age of Ultron breaks no new ground, carries on too many plot-lines, and forces some pointless characterization on certain actors.
Does this mean I hated the movie?
I LOVED it! There are few movies out there showcasing a wide range of super-heroes taking on villainous horrors. I even said "while entertaining" in my first post. Did you catch that?
while entertaining, Age of Ultron breaks no new ground...That's what I posted on my Facebook. My Sister-in-Law saw this status, and told my Wife "ADBG didn't like Avengers."
F'in hell?
Unrelated, my friend (henceforth "the Architect") has been dating a new girl. His sister, best friends with my Wife, pressed me for details. I don't know a damn thing about her.
His sister said, "All I know is that she likes bland food. Who says that? Who says 'I like bland food'?"
The Architect and I watched the new Avengers flick together. So, I asked him about that.
"Nope," Architect says, "she never said that."
The Architect likes to cook, a lot like me. For the first date, he invited the new girl to his condo, and prepared some slightly spicy tacos. She forced the food down her throat, but then told him she has quite picky tastes, but "as long as it's beige," she'll eat it.
So, she'll eat macaroni and cheese. Or spaghetti and meatballs. So, nothing out of the ordinary. Didn't Olive Garden build an entire damn franchise on inoffensive food that neither offends nor excites anyone?
Spin, spin, spin!
That's what I told my Wife this weekend. This all comes across as spin. I like exactness of language. I do not like impercise language because it leads to incorrect conclusions, like "ADBG doesn't like Avengers," or "the Architect's new girlfriend only likes bland food."
I don't like dealing with Spinners because, to get at the REAL information, I have to stop their rotating ball of truthiness and align their words with True North. Trying to ask these people for advice is like playing a child's game of telephone.
This irritates the crap out of me. Could you imagine talking to your doctor, and your doctor saying "There's nothing wrong with you," when what he really means is "you won't die today, but if you don't get to the hospital in the next 2 days your heart will explode you."
What I meant is that there's nothing immediately wrong with you....right now! By the way, I love you, but I'm not IN love with you. Does that make sense?
Certain men, like those on the Manosphere, eat a lot of flack for reading things literally. As in, assuming A is A. Most women enjoy wordplay, NOT saying exactly what they mean, and "beating around the bush."
We're expected to adjust. Because we're Men. Duh. Men HAVE to adjust to women all the time, don't you get that by now?!
Honestly, on an individual level, I don't care enough to raise a social stink about it. The personal is NOT the political. I certainly feel like this Rule Of INTJ applies here:
Statements you can't back up with either solid facts or solid reasoning will at best be ignored and at worst poked fun at in ways not many people would describe as nice.With my Wife, I tolerate certain levels of....uhhh...inanity.
A larger problem emerges when society collectively offers advice to people based on heavy Spin.
"Ashley only likes bland food," says Cindy, Ashley's best friend.
Two years:
"Why did you never make me lobster," Ashley screams. She hurls a plate at you, the wind whisks by your head and the fine china shatters into a million pieces. "I love lobster!"
You go back to Cindy.
"I have 17 stitches because you told me she only likes bland food."
"Well, that, AND lobster."
"Ashley likes guys who feel real natural," Cindy says.
You go up, throw down your Magic: The Gathering cards.
Ashley throws a drink in your face.
Cindy laughs.
"Girls don't like card games! You're such a dork!"
This sucks for guys. Imagine the following scenario:
When society speaks at large, they often speak with a LOT of context behind their words, stuff that they just understand naturally. Young guys, particularly those without a lot of social experience, apply "advice" from the Spinners without knowing this context, like poor INTJ above.
Chaos ensues.
Spinners are dangerous folk.
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